Syllabus focus for the final exam - 2010-11

  • Approximation -obtain appropriate upper and lower bounds to solutions of simple problems given data to a specified accuracy
  • Estimation -estimate the value of problems on decimals without using a calculator.
  • Percentages -finding percentage increase, decrease , profit% , loss%.
  • Simple and compound interest
  • Ratio & Proportion -finding ratio of given quantities, direct and indirect proportion.
  • Surds -writing surds in simplest form, rationalizing factor of a surd, operations on surds.

Set Theory
  • Notation & terminology, Union and intersection of sets, complement set, Venn diagram.

  • Brackets & Simplifying -Removing brackets and simplifying algebraic expressions by adding the like terms, Change of subject of a formula
  • Linear Equations -finding solutions of linear equations and framing equations for word problems in linear equations.
  • Simultaneous linear equations -solving simultaneous linear equations using substitution method and elimination method. Framing simultaneous linear equations for word problems and solving them.
  • Factorization -factorizing algebraic expressions by taking a monomial common, a binomial common and by splitting the middle term.
  • Quadratic equations -finding solution of a quadratic equation by factorization and using the quadratic formula. Framing quadratic equations for word problems and solving them.
  • Sequence -finding the next two terms of a sequence and general term of a sequence.
  • Linear inequalities- solution of a linear inequality in real line, use of GDC to find the solution.
  • Indices-product law, quotient law and power law.
  • Direct & Inverse variation-problems on direct and inverse variation.
Speed, distance & time -problems involving speed, distance and time.

  • Symmetry - line of symmetry and rotational symmetry
  • Pythagoras Theorem -application of Pythagoras theorem in right angled triangle.
  • Polygons -Angle sum property of a polygon, interior and exterior angles of a polygon.

  • Perimeter and area of rectangle, triangle and compound shapes derived from these. Circumference and area of a circle.
  • Arc length and area of sector.
  • Surface area and volume of prism and pyramid. Surface area and volume of a sphere.

Co-ordinate Geometry
  • distance between two points, midpoint of line segment,
  • gradient of a line segment, gradient of parallel lines,
  • equation of a straight line in ‘slope-intercept’ form and ‘standard’ form.
  • Parallel and perpendicular lines;
  • Linear inequalities on the Cartesian plane.